Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Far D

Next day we were at Hep Five in the Umeda area, famous for its big red ferris wheel although we didn't go on that. There 10+ restaurants and cafes on the 7th floor, but we didn't want to spend or eat too much. It would have been interesting to try one of the dessert viking places, デザート王国 (Dessert Kingdom), but I wasn't in the mood to eat lots of cakes and sweets. We tried to find something suitable by looking at all the food models on offered and in the end we settled for Far D, partly due to the bizarre claim of their cooking style made outside.

sign outside Far D

Vegetarian options were limited but to their credit they were quite happy to accommodate us. We showed the host our 'no meat no seafood' writing, and he checked with the kitchen and assured us it was ok. He spoke a tiny bit of English, and suggested that they make the dishes without some of the ingredients listed - for example, taking the ham out from the creamy pasta (no hamu!). The food was a bit closer to Western style than other places we went to.

pasta and pizza

The carbonara pasta type dish (minus the ham) was nice, and the cheese and tomato pizza wasn't bad. We probably could have found something better if we bothered to go around other areas nearby, but the food did the job for something simple and not that expensive (less than ¥1000 for each dish), even though we weren't any closer to understanding what was 'Canterbury' cooking style.

Far D
〒530-0017 大阪市北区角田町5-5 HEP FIVE 7F
TEL: 06-6366-3686

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